heart shaped hearing aids

Proper Care & Maintenance of Hearing Aids

25 / 08 / 23


Hearing aids are invaluable devices that bring the world of sound back to individuals with hearing loss. It enriches their lives with conversations, music, and the symphony of everyday life. However, just like any technology, hearing aids require proper care and maintenance to ensure they continue to function properly.

In this blog, we will delve into the essential aspects of caring for and maintaining your hearing aids, empowering you to make the most of these remarkable devices.

Proper care and maintenance of your hearing aids are paramount to their longevity and effectiveness. Beyond offering improved hearing, well-maintained hearing aids can prevent unnecessary repairs and replacements, saving you both time and money. Think of your hearing aids as an investment in your well-being, and taking care of them becomes a priority.

Hearing aid cleaning supplies

Regular cleaning is the foundation of hearing aid maintenance. You must begin by gathering the necessary supplies. Firstly, choose a cloth specifically designed for cleaning electronic devices or optical lenses. This cloth should be gentle on the device’s surface and not leave any fibres behind. Next, you will need a specialised cleaning brush; many hearing aids come with a small cleaning brush that’s perfect for cleaning microphone and earpiece openings. If not provided, you can purchase one from your audiologist or a reputable supplier.

For the next supply, you will need cleaning wipes. Look for cleaning wipes that are formulated to be safe for hearing aids. These wipes are designed to effectively remove dirt and oils without causing damage. Purchasing these wipes is a must, so make sure you purchase the correct ones! Furthermore, excess moisture is harmful to hearing aids, and this is why you need to buy a drying or dehumidifying kit. This will remove moisture from the devices when they’re not in use. These kits often come with a case or container that can hold your hearing aids and absorb moisture. 

The final supply you will need to buy is a multi-tool cleaning kit. It’s not a necessity to purchase this, however, it is good to have one that contains multiple tools such as a brush, wax pick, and magnet for battery removal.

Now you have the supplies, you’re ready to clean the hearing aids. 

Our hearing aid cleaning tips

Firstly, it’s common practice to aim to clean your hearing aids on a daily basis. We know it can be difficult sometimes to do this regularly as you may naturally forget. But, if you can aim to do it frequently or as and when needed, that will go a long way to prevent dirt buildup; which can affect your hearing aid performance.

Also, it’s vital to always handle your hearing aids with care and use gentle cleaning motions. It’s crucial to avoid using excessive force or sharp objects that might scratch or damage the devices – your audiologist will also tell you this! 

Whilst daily cleaning and handling your hearing aids carefully is a good habit for you to get into, it’s even better for your audiologist to review them on a regular basis. They can clean them for you if you’re unsure. 

hearing aid cleaning kit

Handling and storage tips

Proper handling and storage go a long way in maintaining the functionality of your hearing aids. When inserting or removing them, ensure your hands are clean and dry to prevent transferring dirt or oils. Handle the devices gently, as they are delicate and can be easily damaged by excessive force.

Moisture is a hearing aid’s enemy, so be mindful of humid environments. When not in use, consider using a drying or dehumidifying kit to prevent moisture buildup; as mentioned in our previous section. Never expose your hearing aids to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, or water. When removing them, always place them in their protective case or a safe storage location. In addition, If you’re not using your hearing aids for an extended period, consider leaving the battery compartment slightly open. This will allow air circulation and help prevent moisture buildup.

Furthermore, a basic but important storage tip – make sure to keep the hearing aids away from pets and children. Pets might be attracted to the devices due to their scent, and children may inadvertently damage them.

Elderly man cleaning hearing aids

Battery maintenance and troubleshooting

Hearing aid batteries are the power source that keeps your device running. To maintain optimal performance, it’s crucial to know how to handle and replace batteries correctly. When inserting a new battery, ensure your hands are dry and free from oils. Align the battery correctly with the positive and negative indicators, and gently close the battery compartment. When not in use, consider leaving the battery compartment open to prevent moisture accumulation.

Next, keep an eye on battery life. If you notice your hearing aids becoming faint or distorted, it might be a sign that the batteries are running low. So, always carry spare batteries with you to avoid disruptions in your hearing experience or if they’re rechargeable, ensure they’re fully charged every day.

Furthermore, in the event of issues like feedback, whistling, or muffled sound, don’t panic. Many common problems can be resolved with simple troubleshooting steps. If you’re experiencing feedback, ensure the hearing aid is properly inserted and that the earpiece isn’t blocked by hair or clothing. Whistling might indicate improper fitting or a buildup of earwax. If the sound is muffled, check for obstructions and ensure the device is clean. If these troubleshooting steps don’t resolve the issue, consider booking a hearing test to assess the overall performance of your hearing aids.

close up of hearing aid


… And breathe.


We know we’ve just thrown a lot of information to you, so if you have any questions about anything – feel free to get in touch to learn more!

We hope you enjoyed reading our latest article about maintaining and caring for your hearing aids. At Sutton and Solihull Hearing Centres, all of our hearing aids go through a rigorous testing process to ensure that they meet the needs of our customers. Get in touch today to enquire about our hearing aids. 

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